On the Role of the Dipole and Quadrupole Moments of Aromatic Compounds in the Solvation by Ionic Liquids

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On the Role of the Dipole and Quadrupole Moments of Aromatic Compounds in the Solvation by Ionic Liquids
Тип: Автореферат
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as solvents in interaction-rich systems. It focuses on the
solvation of aromatic compounds of varying polarity in ionic
liquids. Experimental information, including solubility, phase
diagrams, and structural data, is now available for the entire
series of fluorinated benzenes in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-
3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide,
[C2mim][NTf2]. This aromatic series is composed of 13 molecules
ranging from benzene to perfluorobenzene and includes
all possible partially fluorinated species. Such a rich data set
provides a unique test ground for studying the roles of the dipole
and quadrupole moments on the interactions of aromatic
molecules with an ionic liquid, and thus improves our fundamental
knowledge of these sophisticated solvents. Ionic liquids
are not simple fluids: they are composed of asymmetric, flexible
ions with delocalized electrostatic charges and a presence of
both charged and nonpolar groups in their molecular structures.
Their behavior as solvents is a consequence of a balance between
Coulomb and van der Waals forces, a fact that can lead to
structurally heterogeneous liquids.1
The solubility of benzene and other arenes in [C2mim][NTf2]
was first reported by Lachwa et al.2 Very recently, Shiflett and
Yokozeki3 measured the solubility of benzene and of its 12
fluorinated derivatives in the same ionic liquid. In this comprehensive
study, the authors were able to fit the experimental
liquid-liquid equilibrium data to the NRTL (nonrandom two
liquids) solution model and also to establish a general empirical
correlation between the dipole moment of the aromatic solutes
and the immiscibility gaps in the corresponding mixtures with
ionic liquids. However, that general trend did not hold for many
of the aromatic compounds with null or small dipole moments
and the authors admitted that it would be necessary to consider
additional intermolecular interactions. They stated that “This
poses a unique and interesting challenge for theoretical modelers
to explain these measurements.” In this work, we have decided
to accept that challenge. We have used ab initio calculations
and molecular dynamics simulations to explain from a molecular
perspective the rather complex behavior of the binary mixtures
of the ionic liquid [C2mim][NTf2] with benzene and its 12
fluorinated derivatives, and we believe that the insights obtained
in the present work are general and applicable to interpret results
of other solutions and mixtures involving ionic liquids. Simulations
of mixtures of ionic liquids with benzene and some of its
fluorinated derivatives were first reported by Lynden-Bell and
In recent studies, we also discussed the liquid-liquid and
solid-liquid phase behavior of binary mixtures of different ionic
liquids with benzene and two of its fluorinated derivatives,
hexafluorobenzene and 1,3,5-trifluorobenzene.5 The corresponding
phase diagrams have shown liquid-liquid immiscibility
windows completely shifted toward aromatic-rich compositions;
i.e., the three studied aromatic compounds are quite soluble in
the pure ionic liquids, but no measurable amount of the latter
can be dissolved in any of the pure aromatic compounds. The
phase diagrams also exhibited different kinds of interesting
solid-liquid behavior, ranging from the occurrence of eutectic
points, the existence of congruent melting points and the
corresponding formation of inclusion crystals, or the observation
of different ionic liquid crystalline phases (polymorphism). The
different types of phase behavior were probed at a molecular
level using X-ray diffraction techniques and by molecular
dynamics simulations.5 The structural data thus obtained
* Corresponding author. E-mail: jnlopes@ist.utl.pt.
† Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
‡ Instituto Superior Te´cnico.
§ CNRS/Universite´ Blaise Pascal.
J. Phys. Chem. B XXXX, xxx, 000 A
10.1021/jp903556q CCC: $40.75  XXXX American Chemical Society
Downloaded by AUSTRIA CONSORTIA on July 6, 2009
Published on July 1, 2009 on http://pubs.acs.org | doi: 10.1021/jp903556q
revealed the interactions of ionic liquids with aromatic compounds,
and how these are affected by the nature of the aromatic
compounds (namely, the reversal of the molecular quadrupole
moment when switching from benzene to hexafluorobenzene),
the aromatic or nonaromatic character of the cation of the ionic
liquid, and the size of the corresponding anion.
2. Computational Details
Ab Initio Calculations. Multipole moments and electrostatic
charge distributions were calculated using Gaussian 036 at the
MP2/cc-pVTZ(-f)//HF/6-31G(d) level of theory, thus using the
same basis set as in the OPLS-AA model for perfluoroalkanes7
and for ionic liquids.8,9 The cc-pVTZ(-f) basis set10 was used
for single-point energy calculations in geometries optimized at
the HF/6-31G(d) level, as is current practice in the development
of force field parameters for molecular simulation.11,12 For the
C and N atoms, the cc-pVTZ-(-f) basis set is created by
removing the f functions from the definition of the triple-ccpVTZ
basis set of Dunning.10 The combination of the levels of
theory and basis sets used here has been tested on a large
collection of molecules (Halgren test) and was demonstrated
to yield accurate conformational energetics.13 It must be stressed
that no constraints were placed in any of the molecules during
geometry optimization or point charge calculation in order to
reproduce a specific molecular moment. The point is that,
although the theoretical results give slightly overestimated dipole
and quadrupole moments (see the Results and Discussion section
below), they form a consistent set for the 13 aromatic molecules
under discussion. Moreover, and given the empirical nature of
the correlation that will follow (see Results and Discussion),
any differences between the experimental and theoretical
electrical moments will be absorbed by the fitting of the
empirical parameters.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The molecular force field
used to represent the ionic liquids is based on the OPLS-AA
model14 but with parameters specifically tailored for the ions
in question.8,9 Following the spirit of OPLS-AA, intramolecular
terms related to covalent bonds and angles are taken from the
AMBER force field,11 and efforts are concentrated on carefully
describing conformational and intermolecular terms. Benzene
and its derivatives were represented also within the OPLS
framework using the parametrization proposed by Jorgensen14
and the CHelpG charges obtained in this work (see previous
section). The full set of parameters is given as Supporting
Information. All simulations were performed using molecular
dynamics algorithms, implemented in the DL_POLY program.15
In the case of the benzene and hexafluorobenzene mixtures, we
started from low-density initial configurations, composed of 192
ion pairs and 64 solute moleculessan ionic liquid mole fraction
of 0.75. These were equilibrated at constant NpT for 500 ps at
300 K using a Nose´-Hoover thermostat and barostat with time
constants of 0.5 and 2 ps, respectively. Electrostatic interactions
were treated using the Ewald summation method considering
six reciprocal-space vectors, and repulsive-dispersive interactions
were explicitly cut off at 16 Å (long-range corrections
were applied assuming the system had a uniform density beyond
this cutoff radius). The final configurations of these preequilibrated
systems, namely, the one containing hexafluorobenzene,
were used to generate the initial configurations of all other
systems containing the partially fluorinated benzene solutes, also
with ionic liquid mole fractions of 0.75. Further simulation runs
of 100 ps were used to produce re-equilibrated systems at the
studied temperatures. Finally, 1000 configurations were stored
from production runs of 300 ps for each one of the possible 13
systems. Successive 300 ps runs of each system showed no drift
in the corresponding equilibrium properties at this stage. The
stored configurations for each system were used to generate the
spatial distribution functions (SDFs) presented.

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