Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes of Phenylacetylene with Water, Methanol, Ammonia, and Methylamine. The Origin of Methyl Group-Induced Hydrogen Bond Switching

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Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes of Phenylacetylene with Water, Methanol, Ammonia, and Methylamine. The Origin of Methyl Group-Induced Hydrogen Bond Switching
Тип: Автореферат
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Phenylacetylene is perhaps the simplest multifunctional
molecule to investigate competitive hydrogen bonding. It has
three hydrogen bonding sites in the form of the benzene ring
and the acetylenic CtC bond, which can act as π acceptors,
and an activated acetylenic C-H group, which can act as a σ
donor. Further, with the absence of any strongly acidic/basic
functional groups, the hierarchy of hydrogen sites cannot be
determined on the basis of Etter and Legon-Millen rules.1,2
One of the major challenges that needs to addressed in hydrogen
bonding is to know, a priori, how the individual functional
groups in multifunctional molecules will behave when they are
made to interact with suitable hydrogen bonding partners. In
multifunctional molecules the exact hydrogen bonding patte

will be a result of competition between various possibilities.
Toward the goal of comprehending the hydrogen bonding
behavior of multifunctional molecules, Patwari and co-workers
investigated hydrogen-bonded complexes of phenylacetylene
with various solvent molecules such as water, methanol,
ammonia, methylamine, and other alcohols and amines.3-5 The
hydrogen-bonded complexes of phenylacetylene form a wide
variety of intermolecular structures, which stem out of a subtle
balance of intermolecular forces of various possible intermolecular
structures.3-5 For instance, phenylacetylene forms a
quasiplanar cyclic complex with water, incorporating O-H· · ·π
and C-H· · ·O hydrogen bonds.3,4 In this case one of the O-H
groups of a water molecule interacts with the π electron density
of the CtC bond, while the C-H group of the benzene ring in
the ortho position is hydrogen-bonded to the oxygen atom of
the water molecule. The structure of the phenylacetylene-water
complex thus is different from both the benzene-water and
acetylene-water complexes,6,7 even though phenylacetylene
incorporates the features of both benzene and acetylene. On the
other hand, the the phenylacetylene-methanol complex is
characterized by the presence of single O-H· · ·π hydrogen
bond, wherein the O-H group of methanol interacts with the
π electron density of the benzene ring, similar to the
benzene-methanol complex.4 Phenylacetylene forms a linear
C-H· · ·N “σ” hydrogen-bonded complex with ammonia,5
which is similar to acetylene-ammonia complex,8 while the
phenylacetylene-methylamine complex is characterized by the
presence of a N-H· · ·π hydrogen bond. In this case the N-H
group of methylamine interacts with the π electron density of
the benzene ring.5 Such differences in the intermolecular
structures of hydrogen-bonded complexes with water, methanol,
ammonia, and methylamine involving benzene derivatives have
not been reported in the literature prior to these complexes of
phenylacetylene. These results illustrate that, in the case of
interaction with multifunctional molecules, even minimal changes
in the interacting partner, such as substitution by a ubiquitous
methyl group, can result in dramatic change in the intermolecular
structure. The change in the intermolecular structure with the
substitution of a methyl group can be perceived as methyl groupinduced
hydrogen bond switching. In this article we address
the underlying factors that influence the hydrogen bond switching
observed in the complexes of phenylacetylene.
The geometry optimizations were carried out at MP2(FC)/
aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory, and in each case frequency
calculations followed to ascertain the nature of the minima
obtained. Single point calculations at CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ
level were carried out on the MP2 level optimized structures.
The stabilization energies were corrected for zero point energy
* Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
pavel.hobza@uochb.cas.cz (P.H.); naresh@chem.iitb.ac.in (G.N.P.).
† Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Center for Biomolecules
and Complex Molecular Systems.
‡ Palacky´ University.
§ Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
6620 J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 6620–6625
10.1021/jp900813n CCC: $40.75  2009 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/26/2009
Downloaded by AUSTRIA CONSORTIA on July 6, 2009
Published on May 26, 2009 on http://pubs.acs.org | doi: 10.1021/jp900813n
(ZPE) and basis set superposition error (BSSE). Thermochemical
analysis, based on rigid rotor-harmonic oscillator-ideal gas
approximations was also carried out using the vibrational
frequency data obtained at MP2(FC)/aug-cc-pVDZ level of
theory. Further, DFT-SAPT (symmetry adapted perturbation
theory) calculations were performed with the aug-cc-pVDZ basis
set.9 This method allows for the separation of interaction
energies into physically well-defined components, such as those
arising from electrostatic, induction, dispersion, and exchange.
The DFT-SAPT interaction energy (Eint) is given as
Equation 1 describes the electrostatic, exchange-repulsion,
induction, exchange-induction, dispersion, and exchangedispersion
terms, while the last term is a Hartree-Fock
correction for higher-order contributions to the interaction
energy. In the present analysis the exchange-induction and
exchange-dispersion terms will be included in the parent
induction and dispersion terms. All calculations mentioned
above were performed using the Gaussian03 and Molpro suite
of programs.10,11
Results and Discussion
To begin with, the acetylenic C-H stretching region of the
IR spectra of phenylacetylene and its complexes are reviewed
to understand the structural assignment. The acetylenic C-H
stretching regions of the infrared spectra for phenylacetylene
(PHA) and its five complexes with argon (Ar), water (H2O),
methanol (MeOH), ammonia (NH3), and methylamine (MeNH2)
are depicted in Figure 1. These spectra were recorded using
the IR-UV double resonance spectroscopic method using either
fluorescence or ion detection techniques.3-5 The IR spectrum
of PHA (trace A) shows the presence of two intense transitions
at 3325 and 3343 cm-1, which originate from Fermi resonance
coupling between the acetylenic C-H stretching vibration and
a combination band comprising one quantum of CtC stretching
and two quanta of CtC-H out-of-plane bend.12 A two-state
deperturbation analysis places the unperturbed acetylenic C-H
oscillator at 3334 cm-1 with the magnitude of coupling constant
to be 9 cm-1.13 In the case of PHA complexes any interaction
that will perturb either the acetylenic C-H oscillator or the CtC
oscillator or both will lead to disappearance of Fermi resonance
transitions. However, the perturbation should be about the order
of the coupling constant of 9 cm-1 or more, in order completely
remove the Fermi mixing. The Fermi resonance transitions of
the PHA moiety, therefore, can be used a spectroscopic tool to
probe the interactions present in various PHA complexes. Figure
1B depicts the IR spectrum of the PHA-argon complex, which
is almost identical to that of bare PHA, within the experimental
uncertainty of (1 cm-1.13 This implies that the binding of Ar
to PHA does not perturb either the C-H or the CtC oscillators.
It can therefore be inferred that the Ar atom is bound to the π
electron density of the benzene ring in PHA.13 This inference
is substantiated by the structure of the PHA-Ar complex
determined using the high-resolution REMPI spectrum for the
S1 r S0 electronic transition and microwave spectroscopy.14
The IR spectrum of PHA-H2O complex, depicted in Figure
1C, consists of a single transition at 3331 cm-1, which has been
assigned to the acetylenic C-H stretching vibration. The
acetylenic C-H stretching frequency shifts marginally (about
3 cm-1) upon interaction with water, coupled with the loss of
Fermi resonance coupling. This implies that the H2O molecule
interacts with the π electron density of the acetylenic CtC
bond.3 Surprisingly, in the case of the PHA-MeOH (Figure
1D) complex, two transitions appear at 3323 and 3334 cm-1,
albeit with differences in the band positions and their intensities
relative to bare PHA. These transitions have been assigned to
the Fermi resonance bands.4 The shift in the electronic transition
for the S1r0 relative to bare PHA, the shift in the O-H
stretching frequency of the MeOH moiety, and the appearance
of Fermi resonance transitions in the IR spectrum indicate that
MeOH interacts with the π electron density of the benzene ring
in PHA, resulting in formation of a O-H· · ·π hydrogen-bonded
complex.4 The positions and the intensities of the Fermi
resonance bands depend on the positions of the zero-order
(unperturbed) oscillators and the coupling strength. The interaction
of the methanolic O-H group with the π electron density
of the benzene ring in PHA is expected to affect, marginally,
both the zero-order positions and the coupling strength.

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