Ibon Alkorta,*,† Fernando Blanco,† Jose´ Elguero,† Jose´ A. Dobado,‡ Santiago Melchor Ferrer,‡ and Isaac Vidal

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Ibon Alkorta,*,† Fernando Blanco,† Jose´ Elguero,† Jose´ A. Dobado,‡ Santiago Melchor Ferrer,‡ and Isaac Vidal
Тип: Автореферат
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In general, physical properties smoothly change with continuous
variables such as distance and time. This is also true for
electron density related properties, as those defined in the bond
critical point (bcp).1-3 This can be illustrated using as an
example the nature of the C-C bond. Recently, some of us
reported unexpected long C-C bonds (>2.7 Å) in 1,3-metalladiyne
complexes.4 They were characterized using the quantum
theory of atoms in molecules and the electron localization
function (ELF).
ing covalent C-C bonds, very short and very long
bond lengths were reviewed by Hoffmann et al. in 2005,5 and
other articles appeared afterward.6,7 This topic is related to C-C
bond dissociation energies.8-14 Several articles also reported the
existence of bond critical points in long C-C bonds: orthocarboranes,
15,16 π-π complexes,17 interactions of charged
aromatic systems with neutral ones,18 and complexes of HNC
with electron-deficient aromatic systems.19,20
The existence of two-electron/four-centers (2e/4c) long
distance C-C bonds (g2.9 Å) has been explored experimentally21
and theoretically.22,23 These systems are formed by two
anionic radicals stabilized by the presence of cationic counterions.
The dispersive forces seem to be important in the proper
description of the electronic state of these systems.23 These
systems show the presence of bond critical points in the electron
density topological analysis between the carbon atoms of both
In the present article, we focused our attention in the
interaction of closed shell systems where the interaction is due
to the presence of an electron-excessive carbon atom, in one
molecule, and an electron-deficient carbon atom in the other.
An additional characteristic important for these molecules is
the geometrical accessibility of both carbon atoms to form an
interaction. Thus, as carbon-deficient systems, carbon dioxide
(CO2) and cyanogen (NCCN) were chosen. As electronexcessive
carbon atoms, those with carbene-type characteristic
were selected, including in this group some simple carbenes
(:CH2, :CF2, and :CCH2), carbon monoxide and carbon monosulfide
(CO and CS), isocyanic acid derivatives (HNC and
LiNC), and the two simplest multiple bonded C-C molecules,
ethylene and acetylene.
The geometry of the systems was initially optimized at the
M05-2x/6-311++G(d,p)25,26 computational level. This functional
has shown to provide a good description for a large variety
of molecular interaction complexes.27 Frequency calculations
at this computational level were performed to confirm that the
structures obtained correspond to energetic minima. Further
optimization was performed with the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ,28,29
and, for selected cases, with the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ.30 All
these calculations were carried out within the Gaussian 03
The interaction energy is defined as the difference between
the total energy of the complexes minus the sum of the energies
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ibon@iqm.csic.es.
† Instituto de Quı´mica Me´dica, CSIC.
‡ Universidad de Granada.
Figure 1. Geometry of some of the complexes optimized at the MP2/
aug-cc-pVTZ computational level.
J. Phys. Chem. A XXXX, xxx, 000 A
10.1021/jp903016e CCC: $40.75  XXXX American Chemical Society
Downloaded by AUSTRIA CONSORTIA on July 6, 2009
Published on July 1, 2009 on http://pubs.acs.org | doi: 10.1021/jp903016e
of the isolated monomers. The basis sets used in this work are
of sufficient quality, and thus basis set superposition errors
(BSSEs) should be rather small.32 Moreover, it was shown that
uncorrected MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ binding energies lie between
corrected and uncorrected MP2/aug-cc-pVQZ energies.33 BSSE
corrections may not always improve binding energies of weakly
bonded complexes, since in the counterpoise method,34 a
monomer may utilize the valence and core functions of its
partner, which are not available to the monomer in the complex.
The electron density topology and atomic properties were
evaluated within the atoms in molecules (AIM) methodology35
with the AIMPAC36 and Morphy9837 programs. The calculation
of the atomic properties was carried out by integration within
the atomic basins using the default parameters, except in those
cases where the integrated Laplacian was larger than 1 × 10-3
where more tight conditions were used. Previous reports showed
small errors in the energy and charge for systems where all the
values of the integrated Laplacian were smaller than the
mentioned value.38
ELF, as interpreted by Silvi and Savin39 was computed with
the ToPMoD software package.40 Isosurfaces represented were
taken at the value of 0.75 and represented with the SciAn41
visualization software.
The orbital interactions were analyzed within the natural bond
orbital (NBO)42 framework and the NBO 5.0G program.43 This
method allows the analysis of the interaction between filled and
empty orbitals and associates them to charge-transfer processes.
In addition, the natural energy decomposition analysis was
carried out to gain insight into the source of the interactions.
These calculations were performed using the optimized geometries
at the M05-2x/6-311++G(d,p) at the same computational
level within the Gamess program.44
Results and Discussion
Geometry. The intermolecular distances obtained for the
complexes are gathered in Table 1, and some of them are
represented in Figure 1. To the best of our knowledge, no
TABLE 1: Intermolecular C· · ·C Distances (Å) of the Minima Obtained
complex M05-2x/6-311++G(d,p) MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ
CO2:CCH2 3.041 3.055 3.034
CO2:CF2 3.155 3.158
CO2:CH2 3.017 3.049 3.066
CO2:CNH 3.116 3.088 3.089
CO2:CNLi 2.982 2.986 2.986
CO2:CO 3.241 3.181 3.183
CO2:CS 3.097 3.096 3.091
CO2:HCCH 3.414 3.367
CO2:H2CCH2 3.309 3.303
NCCN:CCH2 3.271 3.203
NCCN:CF2 3.394 3.316
NCCN:CH2 3.176 3.217
NCCN:CNH 3.330 3.224
NCCN:CNLi 3.208 3.114
NCCN:CO 3.450 3.343
NCCN:CS 3.306 3.218
NCCN:HCCH 3.352 3.258
NCCN:H2CCH2 3.403 3.320
TABLE 2: Interaction Energy (kJ mol-1) of the Energetic Minima Complexes Obtained
complex M05-2x/6-311++G(d,p) MP2/aug-cc-pvtz CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ
CO2:CCH2 -11.00 -10.66 -10.55
CO2:CF2 -6.92 -7.46
CO2:CH2 -14.52 -10.13 -11.20
CO2:CNH -8.68 -9.66 -9.45
CO2:CNLi -15.18 -15.60 -15.61
CO2:CO -4.69 -5.98 -5.74
CO2:CS -8.97 -9.58 -8.61
CO2:HCCH -4.70 -5.99
CO2:H2CCH2 -8.01 -9.04
NCCN:CCH2 -11.81 -14.58
NCCN:CF2 -6.92 -9.54
NCCN:CH2 -16.90 -15.44
NCCN:CNH -9.87 -13.50
NCCN:CNLi -18.09 -22.78
NCCN:CO -4.79 -7.52
NCCN:CS -9.92 -13.43
NCCN:HCCH -9.98 -13.50
NCCN:H2CCH2 -8.36 -12.15
TABLE 3: Term Contribution (kJ mol-1) to the Interaction
of Energy (Ei)
terms M05-2x/6-311++G(d,p) MP2/aug-cc-pvtz
NCCN -1.6 -4.3
:CCH2 -10.6 -10.5
:CF2 -6.1 -6.4
:CH2 -14.9 -10.7
:CNH -8.5 -9.5
:CNLi -15.9 -17.1
:CO -4.0 -4.6
:CS -8.7 -9.4
:HCCH -6.6 -7.6
:H2CCH2 -7.4 -8.5
R2 0.994 0.994
B J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. xxx, No. xx, XXXX Alkorta et al.
Downloaded by AUSTRIA CONSORTIA on July 6, 2009
Published on July 1, 2009 on http://pubs.acs.org | doi: 10.1021/jp903016e
experimental geometrical information for any of these complexes
is available in the literature, but the related CO2:NCH complex
shows a C2V symmetry with the nitrogen pointing toward the
carbon atom of the CO2 and an intermolecular distance of 3.0
Å.45 A search in the literature indicates that only one of the
complexes studied here, CO2:CO, was previously studied.46 The
geometrical and energetic results reported for that complex are
analogous to those described here.
All the complexes obtained in the present work show C2V
symmetry and correspond to energetic minima. Since the
purpose of the article is to study C· · ·C interactions, other
possible dispositions of the complexes were not explored. The
intermolecular distances obtained range from 2.99 to 3.16 Å in
the CO2 series and from 3.04 to 3.32 Å in the cyanogen one. In
general, the observed intermolecular distances are longer in the
cyanogen complexes than in the carbon dioxide ones with the
exception of the complexes with :CH2. The three computational
methods considered here provide similar intermolecular distances
for a given complex.
The interaction energy and symmetry of the complexes are
reported in Table 2. The results obtained for the carbon dioxide
complexes are very similar in the three computational methods,
while for the cyanogen ones, the M05-2x/6-311++G(d,p), in
general, slightly underestimate the ones obtained with the MP2/
aug-cc-pVTZ one. On the basis of these results, it can be
concluded that the DFT method used here provides reasonable
results and thus it can be used for larger systems.

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