A Novel Chaos based UWB Radar and its Application to Through-the-wall Sensing

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  • A Novel Chaos based UWB Radar and its Application to Through-the-wall Sensing
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  • 2005
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    A Novel Chaos based UWB Radar and its Application to Through-the-wall Sensing
    by Vijayaraghavan Venkatasubramanian
    (c) Vijayaraghavan Venkatasubramanian 2005

    List of Figures
    2.1 Impulse UWB signal 9
    2.2 TM-UWB transmitter - Block diagram 11
    2.3 TM-UWB signal 12
    2.4 Coherent random noise radar - Block diagram 16
    2.5 Chaos map implementation - Block diagram 19

    3.1 CPAM-UWB transmitter - Block diagram 22
    3.2 Typical CPAM-UWB waveform 22
    3.3 PSD plot of CPAM-UWB signal 23
    3.4 Chaos generation using time-delay circuits 24
    3.5 Range ambiguity comparison 28
    3.6 SS range sidelobes 29
    3.7 CPAM-UWB range ambiguity 30
    3.8 TM-UWB range ambiguity 31
    3.9 TM-UWB correlation performance 32
    3.10 Range resolution of different modulation schemes 34
    3.11 Range-Doppler resolution of a) CPAM-UWB and b) TM-UWB mod¬ulations 34
    3.12 Theoretical detection bounds of CPAM-UWB radar (without rever¬beration) 40
    3.13 Theoretical detection performance (with reverberations) 41
    3.14 Detection performance comparison 42
    3.15 Detection performance comparison - with reverberation 42

    4.1 CPAM-UWB - Receiver architecture 44
    4.2 MNPE method - Block diagram 44
    4.3 Theoretical performance of EM estimator 51
    4.4 Performance comparison of EM and EKF estimators 52
    4.5 Parameter estimation performance comparison 53
    4.6 Equalization performance comparison of EM, MNPE and EKF equal¬izers 54
    4.7 Parameter estimation performance in Rayleigh channel 55
    4.8 ROC performance (absence of reverberations) of EM receiver 56
    4.9 ROC performance (presence of reverberations) of EM receiver .... 57
    4.10 ROC performance comparison of radar receivers 58

    5.1 Detection performance of CPAM-UWB radar 66
    5.2 Detection performance of TM-UWB radar 67
    5.3 CPAM-UWB detection performance 68
    5.4 Detection performance of two schemes 69

    5.5 CPAM-UWB detection performance in multi room scenario 70
    5.6 FDTD simulation setup target away from the front wall 74
    5.7 Image formed using TM-UWB radar 74
    5.8 Detected image formed using TM-UWB radar 75
    5.9 Image formed using CPAM-UWB radar 76
    5.10 Detected image formed using CPAM-UWB radar 77
    5.11 FDTD simulation setup for target close to the front wall 78
    5.12 Image formed using TM-UWB radar 79
    5.13 Image formed using CPAM-UWB radar 80
    5.14 Detected image formed using TM-UWB radar 81
    5.15 Detected image formed using CPAM-UWB radar 81
    5.16 FDTD simulation setup: Two targets 82
    5.17 Image formed using TM-UWB radar 82
    5.18 Image formed using CPAM-UWB radar 83
    5.19 Multiple room simulation setup 83
    5.20 Detection using CPAM-UWB radar 84
    5.21 Detection using TM-UWB radar 84
    5.22 Firefighter application using SAR configuration 85
    5.23 Detection performance using CPAM-UWB radar 85
    5.24 Detection performance using TM-UWB radar 86
  • Список літератури:
  • Bibliography
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