Эллинистическая Александрия как синтез культур Востока и Запада

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  • Эллинистическая Александрия как синтез культур Востока и Запада
  • Кількість сторінок:
  • 127
  • ВНЗ:
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  • Рік захисту:
  • 2010
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  • Introduction...3

    Chapter I. The reflection of the socio-cultural reality of the Hellenistic Alexandria in different

    sources and scientific literature...13

    §1 Historiography of the question...13

    §2 The written sources...20

    §3 The significance of the underwater archaeological data for the studying of the culture of the Hellenistic


    Chapter II. The Hellenistic Alexandria according to

    the data of underwater research...39

    § 1 The history of underwater archaeology...39

    §2 The submerged cultural heritage of Alexandria...51

    Chapter III. East and West in the culture of

    Hellenistic Alexandria...104

    §1 The personality of Alexander the Great as a main factor of the establishment and development of the Hellenic


    §2The brief revue of the cultural history of Alexandria 116 §3 The changings in the population of the Hellenistic


    §4 The intellectual and religious life of the Hellenic


    §5 The peculiarities of the synthesis of the western and

    eastern elements in the Hellenistic Alexandria...153



    List of photos and figures...163




    Actuality of the theme

    The cultures of the peoples, who have created the great civilizations of antiquity draw attention of scholars until know. Moreover, the interest in the ancient cultures is not just a memorial. The antiquity let us to see the modern culture from the new point of view if historical and cultural analogies are based on the facts that are represented in the system unity and historical outlook.

    The culture of Ancient Egypt was evoked from oblivion rather long time ago. There is tradition of studying of this culture in the network of archaeological, historical and philological sciences. But as far as culturology is concerned it is important to bring out this analysis outside studying exclusively material or, on the contrary, spiritual culture. The sociocultural analysis let us to see the culture of a studied epoch as the inwardly disjointed whole that is building up under the influence of different factors, such as environmental, ethnical, socio-political and spiritual.

    The analysis of the phenomenon of Hellenism provokes a special interest in the light of the world cultural-historical development. This phenomenon became the first realization the synthesis of the western and eastern cultures. The more ancient attempts of such kind of synthesis were really impossible since "the Hellenistic world" that arouse in the Northern Mediterranean in the 1 mille-nium ВСЕ became the land of so-called "western culture". The conventional flourishing of the ancient Greek culture falls in Athens of the 5 century ВСЕ. Later in the 4th century ВСЕ the expansion of Alexander the Great gave birth to such a considerable phenomenon of culture as Hellenism.

    Problem of correlation and synthesis between East and West is one of the most urgent and widely discussed nowadays. The main force in such kind of

    synthesis today is the western culture that is based on the standards of the political democracy and mass society. The phenomenon of the Hellenism is of interest in particular because it had solved the problem of the correlation between western and eastern in culture in a non-unambiguous way.

    The Hellenistic Alexandria was situated in the center of the processes mentioned above and that is why the analysis of the specialties of the Hellenistic culture in that region is the most representative. Moreover, the new methods of research connected with the underwater archaeology let us to include the missing data the whole picture of the Hellenism phenomena. Using of the methods of the underwater archaeology, the science that is relatively young but very perspective, gave the opportunity to reconstruct monuments of history that were, it seemed, irrevocably destroyed. The underwater archaeology also let us to analyze and interpret that kind of sociocultural reality that was known before just according to the writing sources.

    We can find in the culture of the Hellenistic Alexandria not just vicinity of the different sides of the western and eastern culture but the attempt of the synthesis of such contrary moments as idolization of the king in the policy and hope on the personal choice of the human being in the philosophy. We will try to give an explanation exactly to this contradiction on the base of the comparison of traditional writing sources and new underwater archaeology data in the suggested Ph.D. thesis

    The state of the elaboration of the problem

    In 19th century the policy of Eurocentrism was given a dare by its alternatives - the ideology of orietalism and the principle of the pluralism of the cultures that was elaborated in the morphology of cultures by O. Spengler. In the 20th century the opposition of cultures was replaced by their synthesis even if confessional and other differences have been remained inside the cultures.

    Nowadays a big amount of literature exists devoted to the theoretical analysis of the problem of the synthesis of the eastern and western cultures, in other words, the problem of their diffusion - expansion and interference. This problem is analyzed as in the field of general methodology (E. Sample, R. Chie-lan, K. Haushoffer, G.K. Ligendorf, F. Ratzel, W. Koppers, B. Ankerman, J. Gekkel, M. Guzinde, O. Mengar, M. Betak, J. Hoffman, Y.H. Rivers, R. Dikson, G.E. Smith, A.L. Kreber, O. Rosenshtok-Hussy) as in practical aspect - as applied to the regions and epochs) (F. Grebner, L. Frobenius, W. Shmidt, Y. D. Perry, F. Boas, K. Wisler, K. McClahom, T. Heirda)

    As far as the culture of Hellenism is concerned we can ascertain that after I. Droizen who first introduced the term "Hellenism" into practice, a lot of works appeared where special aspects of this phenomenon were elaborated more precisely. Among them we can mention the work by C.C. McEvan on the study of the nature of the king power during the Hellenistic time1; the work of V. Ehrenberd that maintains the Egyptian constituent in the process of the idoliza-tion of the king in the Hellenistic Alexandria . The opposite point of view we can find in the works of H. Berve who insists upon the Greek roots of this cult. He proceeded from the assumption that Alexander the Great was identified with Greek Dionys and thereby concluded the cult of the king from the cult of the Greek heroes3.

    The famous Italian scientist A. Adriani made an attempt to interpret the art of the Greek - Roman Egypt from the point of view of combination of the eastern and western elements inside it4. The whole spectrum of different aspects

    1 McEvan C.C. The Oriental Origin of Hellenistic Kingship.- Chicago, 1934

    2 Ehrenberd V. The Greek State,- L.,1969, P.276.

    3 Berve H. Das Altexanderreich auf prosoporgahiser Grundlage. Bd.I.- Munchen, 1926, S. 197.

    4 Adriani A. Repertorio D'arte deU'Egitto Greco-Romano, serie C, vol. I-II Tavole (1963) testo (1966), Palerme; Adriani A. Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano, studi in onore di A.Adriani, Rome,rErma, 1983; Adriani A. Alessandria e il mondo hellenistico-romano, I centenario del museo Greco-Romano (atti del congresso Inter-nazionale Italo-Egiziano), Rome, l'Erma di Bretschneider, 1995( cf.cdf LXX(1996) 368-374); Adriani A. Alexandria and Alexandrianism. Papers delivered at a Symposium organized by the J.Paul Getty Museum.., Getty Museum, 1996; Adriani A. Alexandrie, Ille siecle av. J-C: tous les savoirs du monde ou le reve d'universalite des ptolemees, Ed. Autrement, Series Memoires, no 19, nov.1992; Adriani A. Alexandrien (Aegyptica Treverensia. Triver Studien Zum griechisch-romischen Agypten, band I, Mainz, 1981; Adriani A. Alexandrie, lumiere du

    of the life of Hellenistic Alexandria including political history, history of religious beliefs and philosophy is represented in the works of A. Bernard. His researches let us to imagine the nature of synthesis of the eastern and western roots in this culture5. The works of A. Bouman and P. Frayser are clarified the peculiarities of the phenomenon of Hellenistic Alexandria. The social-political, ethnological and linguistic specialties of the different stratum of the urban population are studied there6.

    The object of the thesis - is the culture of the Hellenistic Alexandria.

    The subject of the thesis - is combination of the eastern and western aspects in the culture of Hellenistic Alexandria.

    The goal of the thesis — is to precise the peculiarity of the synthesis of the eastern and western aspects inHhe culture of Hellenistic Alexandria according to underwater archaeological researches that were organized by the Department of the Underwater archaeology of the Supreme Counsel of Antiquities of ARE.

    In order to reach this goal the author is setting the following tasks:

    monde antique , les dossiers de l'archeologie ,no,201, 1995; Adriani A. Aufstieg und niedergang der romischen welt .Geschichte und kultur roms im Spiegel der neuseten Forschrung teil II: prinipat ,band 10 (halbbandl-2) polistiche Geschichte (provinzen und Randvolker :Afrika und Agypten) Ed. H. Temporini.- Berlin-New York, 1982-1988

    5 Bernard A. Les inscriptions grecques et latines du colosse de Memnon, Cairo, 1960; Bernard A. Les cofins libyques.// Memoires de l'institut feancais d'archeologie orientale du Caire ,XCI 1970; Bernard A. Alexandrie des Ptolemees.- Paris ,1995; Bernard A. Sur le marbre du phare d'Alexandrie// Zeitschrif fur papyrologie und Epigraphik, 118,1997; Bernard A. et Bernard E. L'epigraphie sous-marine dans le port oriental d'Alexandrie, Zeitschrift fur papyrologie und Epigraphic, 121,1998; Bernard A. Alexandrie la grande.- Paris,1998; Bernard A. and E and Goddio F. L'epigraphie sous-marine dans le port oriental d'Alexandrie.//ZPE 121 (1998) ,131-144, taf. XIII-XVI.

    6 Bowman A.K. Egypt after the Pharaohs: 332 BC-AD 641, from Alexander to the Arab conquest, London, 1986; Fraser P. M. Ptolemaic Alexandria, 3 vol.- Oxford, 1972

    • to analyze the eastern and western constituent in the origin of the Hellenistic Alexandria and its culture according to the data of the ancient sources and modern literature;

    • to determine the combination of the western and eastern elements of the phenomenon of Hellenistic Alexandria according to the data of the underwater archaeology that precise the topography of this city;

    • to expound the character of the synthesis of the eastern and western elements of the phenomenon of Hellenistic Alexandria in socio-cultural aspect;

    • to determine the perspective of the development of the underwater archaeology and its significance for the studying of the ancient cultures.

    The hypothesis of the thesis

    The development of the archaeology as a science and appearing of the underwater archaeology during the last ten years gave significant and unbiased criteria for the verification and specification of the data that was obtained from the narrative sources. There was data of the underwater archaeology that let us to precise the topography of the Hellenistic Alexandria and to understand the peculiarity of the monuments more clearly.

    The authors who studied the Hellenistic Egypt agreed in opinions that the unique socio-cultural situation was established here after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great. The endogenous elements came in contacts with Greek elements that were more young and viable and gave birth to the special kind of synthesis of East and West. This kind of synthesis came into being in more organized structure during the time of Roman Empire. Being the representatives of the East and West Egyptian, Greek, Syrian, Judaic and later Roman ethnic

    groups not only coexisted but even influenced upon each other at the level of material and spiritual culture.

    The using of system approach that exceeds the limits of special historical (archaeological), philological or sociological approaches lets to assume that the synthesis of the eastern and western elements in the culture of Hellenistic Egypt was quiet organic in most cases. This synthesis forestalled that kind of specific "openness" with respect to the other cults, traditions, political institutes, philosophical and artistic achievements that will demonstrate later the Roman Empire.

    But simultaneous co-existence of democracy that was invented by the Greeks and institutes of the eastern despotism that existed among the peoples conquered by Alexander the Great was not possible. In the "cosmopolitan" state of the Ptolemy this conflict of the eastern and western cultures was solved through the limitation of the Greek democratic institutes and, at the same time, development of the foundation of their spiritual culture - philosophy and the other forms of the theoretical knowledge. Thus the individual choice with the necessity of the restrictions in the poly-ethnic state was "compensated" in the sphere of spirit. This experience was used by the world religion later. The synthesis of the Hellenistic Alexandria differs from the modern variants of the cultural synthesis as the spiritual "openness" here was based not on the democratic way of ruling but on the political institute connecting with the eastern despotic ruling.

    Methodological basis of the thesis

    The general methodological basis of the work is system-structural analysis that let us to reconstruct the picture of the cultural life of Hellenistic Alexandria as a whole.

    Methods of research

    The specific methods of studying are genetic, comparative, factorial and special methods connected with underwater archaeology. The methods of underwater archaeology set up premises for the theoretical conclusions of the thesis.

    The sources of the study

    The writing sources of the thesis are the writing of Roman author Qvint Ennius Flavius Arrianus "Campaign of Alexander", the evidences of the Roman historian Strabo, Tacitus etc. We also used the data of underwater archaeological expedition

    The scientific novelty of the thesis:

    • For the first time the data of the writing sources and archaeological expeditions was combined in the thesis in order to reconstruct the phenomenon of Alexandria as a cultural unity. Also the eastern (Egyptian) and western (Greco-Roman) elements of the phenomenon were re-examined.

    • The latest map with the localization of the most important monuments of the history and culture that are situated under the water in the region of Alexandrine harbor is created. That let us to precise the peculiarity of the culture of Hellenistic Alexandria and to draw a conclusion that special kind of "openness", which was very typical for the Roman Empire later also existed in Hellenistic Alexandria.

    • The conclusion about the co-existence and interference of the elements of the eastern and western cultures was made on basis of studying of a great amount of monuments that were found during the underwater archaeologi-

    cal survey. The obvious case for this statement is deification of Alexander and kings of Hellenistic Egypt upon the eastern pattern.

    • In the thesis it was shown that the Ptolemaic dynasty preserved the typical for Greece interest to the philosophy and to the other theoretical knowledge even replaced the democratic institute by the monarchy with the elements of the eastern deification of the royal power.

    • The special kind of synthesis of the elements of the eastern and western cultures was established in the Hellenistic Alexandria; this synthesis is quite different from the modern forms of the synthesis of the East and West since the last is based on the political democracy.

    • Also, as an additional task we gave a characteristic to the different stages of the development of the underwater archaeology in ARE. Special attention was paid to the problems of preservation and conservation of the monuments of history and culture. There were suggested methods of storage of the objects in marine museums.

    The following positions are submitted for discussion:

    1. The data of the underwater archaeology, obtained during the survey the Mediterranean ground in the Alexandria harbor region, let us to create the underwater topographical map with the localization of the monuments of history and art. The subsequent comparison of these data with the written sources let us an opportunity to reconstruct the whole picture of the development of the city in Hellenistic Egypt.

    2. Culturology proposes to exceed the limits of special historical (archaeological), philological or sociological approaches that are used during the studying of Hellenistic Egypt. The culturological approach let us to draw a conclusion about existence of a special kind "openness" in the history of Hellenistic Alexandria that creates the basis for the synthesis of the elements of eastern and


    western cultures.

    3. If the Greek colonization was connecting with the development and settlement of the new coastal lands by the Greek citizens, Alexander the Great drew new lands and peoples into sphere of influence of his empire. This policy forestalls that kind of synthesis of the eastern and western cultures, which later will be typical for the Roman Empire.

    4. This synthesis of the elements of the eastern (Egyptian with the elements of the Syrian and Judaic) and western (first Greek, later Roman) cultures was rather organic. The creation and dissemination of the common language - koine and attempts to combine Egyptian and Greek were evidences of that statement. Nevertheless "cosmopolitanism" of the Hellenistic Egypt had its limits since in was really impossible to develop the institutions of the "city-state" democracy in the poly-ethnic state. The policy of Alexander the Great became the settlement of this contradiction. Later the other kings from the Ptolemaic dynasty continued this policy. The essential idea of the policy was limitation of the Greek democratic institutions and at the same time development of the Greek culture and philosophy.

    5. It is possible to find out a new principle of the organization of culture in Egypt as early as at the Hellenistic time. According to it the limitation of the individual choice in policy was compensated in the sphere of culture. The main ascent in philosophy was made on the inner life of the human being. As a result, for the culture of Hellenistic Egypt was typical both eastern deification of the king and development of theoretical theology by Philo the Alexandrine that became the threshold of the Christian theology. This kind of synthesis is quite different from the nowadays synthesis of the cultures of East and West since it based on the political institutes connecting with despotic king power.

    The scientific-theoretical and practical significance of the study


    The methodology and conclusions of the thesis can be used in the scientific studies devoted to the Hellenistic culture, to the combination of the eastern and western elements inside this culture, to the intellectual life in Hellenistic Alexandria. The materials of the thesis can be included in the courses of culturology, the history of culture and history of the Ancient world in the institutes of higher education. The part of the thesis can be included into the program of the special course on underwater archaeology.

    Approbation of the thesis

    The materials of the thesis were discussed on the scientific conferences: 1 .The 7th International Symposium on Ship construction in Antiquity, Pylos, 1999.

    2. Euro- Mediterranean conference, Murcia- Spain 1999

    3. The protection of archaeological sites, Kuwait 2002

    4. The underwater archaeology — new dicoveries, Moscow, 2002, Moscow City Pedagogical University, 2002

    Different statements of the thesis were considered in 7 publication of the candidate for a degree.

    The materials of the thesis was used during the preparation of the following students cources: "The Hellenistic Culture and Art", "The underwater archaeology in Alexandria"; "Greek sources on the History and Culture of the Hellenic Alexandria"


    Chapter I. The reflection of the socio-cultural

    reality of the Hellenistic Alexandria in different

    sources and scientific literature

    §1 Historiography of the question

    Here we discussed the main approaches, achievements and controversial questions in the scientific literature devoted to the culture of Hellenistic Egypt. The researches of the phenomenon of Hellenism proceed from the assumption that Hellenism was cultural commonality of the new type. It appeared in the Eastern Mediterranean, in the Fore and Middle Asia, in the Near East and in Egypt as a result of the conquering campaigns of Alexander the Great. The main peculiarity of this new culture became intercommunication between eastern and western elements. This kind of intercommunication appeared because of combination of the local eastern population with more viable Greek population. Nevertheless, in scientific literature the mentioned correlation is characterized only with regard to the separate spheres of culture but not concerning to the Hellenistic culture as a whole.

    There are a lot of studies on political culture of the Hellenistic society. The origin and nature of the king royal during the Hellenistic time are studied in the remarkable monograph by McEvan7. They are characterized as continuation of the eastern traditions.

    The other works are concentrated on the origin of the king cult. There are two opposite opinions. V. Ehrenberd insists upon the priority of the Egyptian elements in the process of deification of the king during the Hellenistic period8. The other scientists insist on the Greek roots of this phenomenon.

    7 McEvan C.C. The Oriental Origin of Hellenistic Kingship.- Chicago, 1934.


    H. Berve mentioned the connection of the king cult with the Greek heroic cults9. The other tendency in the studying of the Hellenic culture is dealing with the sphere of art. The problem of style and authorship is analyzed in the works of the famous scientist A. Adriany10. He made an attempt to interpret the art of Greek-Roman Egypt from the point of view of combination in it western and eastern elements.

    A. Adriani is wellknown conservator and scolar who further expanded the scope of the Musee-Romain. In most part of his works he recorded discoveries in the 'palaces' area with an accompanying map on which all the locations are identified. The most important features of the coastal topography are given there. His works can be considered an essential guide to the excavations, and referring to specific excavated objects or areas. The reference number on Adriani's map on the topography was complete in Adriani's large work in two volume, Repertorio d'art, C, I-II (Palermo 1966) containing a fresh account of the topography, the excavations and much of the literary evidence, (vol. I, text; vol. ii, plates).

    Adriani also wrote a brief but well-illustrated account of the topography of the city with compleate list of the bibliography.

    He has also begun publication of a Repertorio d'art deH'Egitto Greco-Romano of which there have so far appeared serie A, I (1961), A, II (1961) and C, I-II (1961: see above ). A further periodical has also begun publication: les cahiers d'Alexandrie (1963) established and edited by R. Lakany, which con-

    8 Ehrenberd V. The Greek State.-L.,1969.

    9 Berve H. Das Altexanderreich auf prosoporgahiser Grundlage. Bd.I.- Munchen, 1926, S. 197.

    10 Adriani A. Rpertorio D'arte deH'Egitto Greco-Romano, serie C, vol. I-II Tavole (1963) testo (1966), Palerme; Adriani A., Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano, studi in onore di A.Adriani.- Rome, 1983; Adriani A. Alessandria e il mondo hellenistico-romano, I centenario del museo Greco-Romano (atti del congresso Interna-zionale Italo-Egiziano), Rome, 1995( cf.cdf LXX(1996) 368-374); Adriani A. Alexandria and Alexandrianism. Papers delivered at a Symposium organized by the J.Paul Getty Museum.., Getty Museum, 1996; Adriani A.,Alexandrie, Hie siecle av. J-C: tous les savoirs du monde ou le reve d'imiversalitedes ptolemees, Ed. Autre-ment, Series Memoires, no 19, nov.1992; Adriani A. Alexandrien (Aegyptica Treverensia. Triver Studien Zum griechisch-romischen Agypten, band I.- Mainz, 1981; Adriani A. Alexandrie, lumiere du monde antique , les dossiers de l'archeologie ,no,201, 1995; Adriani A. Aufstieg und niedergang der romischen welt ,Geschichte und kultur roms im Spiegel der neuseten Forschrung teil II: prinipat ,band 10 (halbbandl-2) polistiche Geschichte (provinzen und Randvolker :Afrika und Agypten.- Berlin-New York, 1982-1988.


    tains numerous articles on local history and personalities.

    The work of A. Bouman11 and P. Frayser12 are concentrated on the social-political and ethno-linguistic aspect of this problem. Actuality of such kind of studies is connecting with formation in the poly-ethnic Hellenistic society of the pan-Hellenic koine language.

    Fraser's work considered an attempt to provide the lack of documented study of even the main aspects of Alexandrian life in the proteomic period and as the same time to bridge the wide gap between the different fields of antiquity and the different types if source material. Literary texts of all sorts, inscriptions, and papyri all have their contribution to make to such a study. The analysis and combination of these sources became one of the main elements of his book. In the first part he has attempted to describe the framework of the Alexandrian life. But on the other hand the real achievements of its civilization, that were discussed in the second part are in some kind of contradiction with the first one. It should be pointed out that he has not included a synthetic picture of a social life in the first part.

    The other problem of his work is absence of the chapter devoted Alexandrine art in the second part. His decision not to include a study of Alexandrian art was based on two considerations: "First, art criticism and art history are remote both from my competence and from my line of approach to Alexandria, which is essentially through literary and documentary (including archaeological) evidence"13.

    Different sides of the socio-cultural life of Alexandria are represented in the studies of A. Bernard14. He tried to analyze different aspects of Hellenistic culture from the political history till the history of religion and philosophy.

    Throw the sources of Alexandria's history from studying ancient carts and

    11 Bowman, A.K. Egypt After Pharaons :332 B.C -AD 641.-London, 1986

    12 Frayser P.M. Ptolemaic Alexandria.- Oxford, 1972

    13 ibid, P.234.

    14 Bernard A. Alexandrie la grande, Hachette fitteratures.- Paris, 1998 ; Bernard A., Goddio F. Sunken Egypt-Alexandria, London, 2004


    voyagers of 19th century and remains ruins of antiquity he writes about Alexandria throw selected accounts on the great Harbour and palaces Alexandria and Egypt according to ancient writers at the time in there stay in Alexandria.

    Nowadays appear a lot of publications on the cultural, political and historical value of the Alexandria heritages. Some of them were of great importance for the goal and tasks of the dissertation.

    First of all we would like to mention collection of articles devoted to the cultural history of the Ptolemaic Alexandria: "Alexandria, third century ВС. The Knowledge of the World in a single city" edited by Christian Jacob and Francois de Polignac 15. This book explores the varied elements, ideas and personalities that transformed a new town on the western edge of the Nile Delta into a metropolis of international importance and, ultimately, one of the cornerstones of the world. This monograph is aimed to study the city as microcosm, as a reflection of the western and eastern elements, as "the world in a scroll". One of important chapters for our theme is "Allien wismom". The author of this chapter Alain le Boulleuc declares in the introduction: "With its univesalist claims and geographical positions, Alexandria could not remain indifferent to the "alien wisdom", as Arnaldo Momigliano has put it. Greek language and culture turned to the great philosophical and religious texts of the now subject people. Aside from treatises on magic and astrology supposedly adapted from the Egyptian and Chaldean sources, the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Torah, is the exemplar of this openness to the others and on it was founded the traditiion о Alexandrian Judaism"16.

    We supposes this statement as one of the fundamental for our problem of the influences and synthesis between western and eastern elements in the intellectual and cultural life of the Hellenistic Alexandria.

    The other chapter of this book written by Francoise Dunand "The factory

    15 Alexandria, third century ВС. The Knowledge of the World in a single city. Ed. by Christian Jacob and Francois de Polignac- Alexndria, 2000

    16 Ibid, P.56


    of the gods" is important for understanding of the religious situation in the Alexandria during the Hellenistic period. The element of above mentioned synthesis between West and East found its reflection in the field of religion and beliefs. The mains point of the chapter that "sitting at the junction of two worlds, Alexandria enjoyed a very favorable climate for the birth of the gods. Whether of Hellenic or Egyptian origin, the cults of the capital were above all aimed at the Greek population. However, the diminishing distance between the two tradition gave rise to a new expression of Egyptian religion, of which the city was both the home and the display case"17. The last point is very important and will be described more precisely in the following chapters of the dissertation devoted to the religion and philosophical situation in the Hellenic Alexandria.

    Also the author mentioned about the situation with the king cults in the Alexandria of that time: ".. .the royal cults was to function on two levels and two forms: one, completely Greek and principally of Alexandria; the other Egyptian in the temples of the chora."18 This affirmation is of great importance and help us to explain the peculiarity and specific features of the king cult itself and the specify of the Alexandrine religion in particular.

    The scholar insists that "the Egyptian gods, which became the object of the cult were already integrated into the mental universe of the Greek. Nevertheless, the encounter within the city of the traditional religion with techniques and models of expression which had arrived from Greece gave birth to a different, often complex and subtle, image of the Egyptian gods. It was a figurative image that took up Egyptian canons to combine them - not always very successfully it must be admitted with Greek methods."19

    The monograph by Roy Macleod "The Library of Alexandria. Center of Learning in the Ancient World" is devoted to the cultural aspect of life in the

    17 Dunand F. The factory of the gods//Alexandria, third century ВС. The Knowledge of the World...,P. 152

    18 ibid, P. 156

    19 ibid, P. 161


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