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Каталог авторефератов / ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ / Органическая химия
Hydrogen is a carrier of cleanenergy1,2 and can be easily generatedfrom renewable sources. Acost-effective, safe, and efficient storagemedium is the key to utilize its full potential.Among the various possibilities, thecarbon-based adsorbents38 are recognizedas strong candidates, where large surfacearea and lighter weight make the substantialvolumetric and gravimetric content possible.Furthermore, the storage capacity ofgraphitic materials (e.g., nanotubes andfullerenes) can be significantly enhancedby decorating them with metal atoms,914which absorb multiple H2 molecules viaKubas interaction.15 Although promising,the experimental efforts in synthesizing themetal-decorated nanotubes and fullereneshave not been successful so far. Additionally,the tendency of metal atoms tocluster16,17 leads to considerable reductionin potential storage capacity. In contrast,the metal cluster supported on graphiticmaterials acts as a catalyst and enhancesthe hydrogen uptake of substrates viaspillover.1821The spillover process involves the transportof an active species (e.g., H) formed ona catalyst onto a receptor that does not sorbthe species22 under the same conditions.Current growing interest in efficient storageof hydrogen brought this long-knownphenomenon into the spotlight. The mostwidely used catalysts for spillover of H atomson graphitic materials are Ni, Pd, Pt,and other transition metal atoms. Recently,several experiments have shown the enhancementof H2 adsorption via spilloveron activated carbons and MOF.19,2325 Upto 4 wt % of adsorption has been reportedfor IRMOF-8 at 298 K and 10 MPa.26 Furthermore,it is empirically established that thespillover can be enhanced by adding socalledbridges24 between the catalyst andreceptor. Although exact distribution andthe binding sites of the H remain experimentallyunspecified, it is reasonable tosuggest that the best coverage of the H ongraphitic substrates can be achieved whenthey are hydrogenated on both sides,27,28and spillover is considered as a possiblepath to achieving it. Thus, fully hydrogenatedgraphene would have stoichiometryCH, with 7.7 wt%of hydrogen,2730 meetingthe DOE goals. Even though the spilloverof the H on graphitic surfaces was observeddecades ago,22 it is still not well-understoodhow a H binds to graphene when it seemsenergetically more favorable to stay on thecatalyst or even to remain in a molecular H2form in the gas phase. To better understandthe spillover mechanism, with thegoal to optimize its kinetics, it is importantto compare the relative energy states of thehydrogen in its (i) dihydrogen gas form, (ii)at the metal catalyst, and (iii) on the receptorsubstrate (Figure 1). The energy statesavailable for H will depend on the degree ofsaturation or substrate coverage.*Address correspondence tobiy@rice.edu.Received for review November 6, 2008and accepted June 10, 2009.10.1021/nn9004044 CCC: $40.75© XXXX American Chemical SocietyABSTRACT The spillover phenomenon, which essentially involves transfer of H from a metal catalyst to agraphitic receptor, has been considered promising for efficient hydrogen storage. An open question about thespillover mechanism is how a H atom binds to graphene instead of forming the thermodynamically preferred H2.Using ab initio calculations, we show that the catalyst saturation provides a way to the adsorption of hydrogen onthe receptor by increasing the H chemical potential to a spillover favorable range. Although it is energeticallyunfavorable for the spillover to occur on a pristine graphene surface, presence of a phase of hydrogenatedgraphene facilitates the spillover by significantly improving the CH binding. We show that thermodynamicspillover can occur, both from the free-standing and from the receptor-supported clusters. Further, the computedenergy barrier of the motion of a H from the catalyst to the hydrogenated graphene is small (0.7 eV) and can beovercome at operational temperatures.KEYWORDS: hydrogen storage · spillover · catalysis · graphene · ab initiothermodynamicsARTICLEwww.acsnano.org VOL. XXX ▪ NO. XX ▪ 000–000 ▪ XXXX ADownloaded by AUSTRIA CONSORTIA on July 6, 2009Published on June 17, 2009 on http://pubs.acs.org | doi: 10.1021/nn9004044Indeed, Cheng et al. have studied31,32 the dissociativechemisorption of molecular hydrogen and desorptionof atomic hydrogen on Pt clusters and concludedthat the number of adsorbed H2 increases with the increasingsize of the cluster. Furthermore, they show thatthe binding strengths decrease with the increasing coverage,that is, energy states available for H raise, approximatelyrepresenting the increase of the chemicalpotential H since the entropy contribution is less significant.They find that in low coverage the adsorptionstrengths are very large and at the saturation level arecloser to the energies on a fully H-covered Pt(111)surface.31,32 In contrast, the strength of a H binding tosp2-carbon receptor is shown to increase with thegreater coverage, due to its clustering and CH phaseformation.30 This analysis reconciles the fact of spilloverwith too weak binding of the H to the bare substrate,by stressing the role of nucleation of condensed CHphase, which must be forming in the process of spilloveron a graphene receptor, as it is more favorablethan a H2 molecule.30 In our previous study, the catalystper se was not considered, and the focus was on thevariation of the hydrogen binding to the receptor andits thermodynamic comparison with gaseous H2.Here we report the details of hydrogen binding tothe catalyst particle, which serves as a gateway to theentire process and whose saturation is also an importantaspect of spillover. Combining molecular dihydrogengas phase, H dissolved on the catalyst, and H in the“storage phase” on the receptor, a conceptual quantitativediagram of spillover is drawn in Figure 1. On theleft, the blue line marks the energy of H in its molecularform and the additional broad (also blue) range isthe chemical potential of H including the entropic contributionat different gas conditions. On the rightside, a family of thin dark-blue lines corresponds tothe energies of H bound to graphene, which varywith the size and the configuration of the cluster island30and converge to the CH phase energy. Themidsection pink block shows the range of energiesof H at the catalyst as computed and analyzed below.The first H2 molecule dissociates and binds tothe catalyst rather strongly; and therefore, H liesdeep in this picture. However, the energies of thesubsequent H2 binding gradually decrease, raisingthe H. For the spillover of a H to occur from themetal, the H must exceed the CH state energy levelshown by the gray line, before the metal clustersaturates (i.e., becomes unable to further acceptnew H2 molecules). The catalyst plays an importantrole in bringing the H into this range. Possiblemetal-hydride phase formation imposes an additionalconstraint on the H. The former must lieabove the H of the receptor to avoid formation ofmetal-hydride before the spillover (assuming thatthe hydride phase would inhibit the catalytic activity).In this work, we validate this model by exploringthrough ab initio computations the gradual energychange of H on the catalyst to reveal how it fits betweenthe energy on the receptor and as free gas. Comparingthese H values identifies the range of chemical potentialfavorable for the spillover. The role of catalyst saturationand binding strength of H with the receptor inbringing the H in this desirable range is explored. Furthermore,to understand the first kinetic step, the barrierinvolved in the motion of a H atom from catalyst toreceptor is computed and compared with the experimentalobservation